Gynecological surgery
types of treatments

In order to facilitate the gynecological procedure that you must go through
with your doctor, we will guarantee you maximum professionalism, comfort and privacy

The leading female doctors and gynecologists in Israel perform surgeries, examinations and gynecological treatments at the Athealth Medical Center. The diagnostic equipment and therapeutic technologies in the field of gynecology available at Athealth Medical Center are the most advanced that medicine has to offer today.
And you can rest assured that the anesthesia process and the surgical procedure at Athealth Medical Center will be performed at the highest medical level. 
The operating room staff and the administrative staff will give you an answer to every question and will try to allay your concerns and make sure that your stay with us will be in a pleasant atmosphere and personal treatment, while maintaining your privacy as much as possible.

The diagnostic and surgical gynecological procedures are carried out at the Athealth Medical Center, using the most advanced endoscopy tower of the German Storz company. The endoscopic tower technology provides a high quality and clear image and the procedure is minimally invasive. In addition to these advantages, the system provides documentation through recording of all stages of the analysis.
The endoscopic system is equipped with a tiny HD resolution camera that allows the surgeon a good view of the uterine cavity, ovaries and fallopian tubes, an advantage that increases the accuracy levels of the surgical operation.

Among the gynecological examinations and surgeries performed in the operating rooms of 'Ateid Medical Center' are:

Diagnostic hysteroscopy, 
a diagnostic examination of the uterine cavity, performed by inserting an endoscope through the vagina and cervix. The test is designed to detect problems that may cause infertility such as adhesions in the uterus as well as defects in the structure of the uterus. Benign intrauterine tumors such as fibroids (myomas), polyps and more can also be discovered through the test. A diagnostic hysteroscopy is sometimes performed even after a scraping procedure or after delivery, when it is suspected that a remnant of the placenta remains. Diagnostic hysteroscopy can be performed under sedation or general anesthesia.

Therapeutic hysteroscopy 
When during a diagnostic hysteroscopy some pathology is found that requires treatment, a therapeutic hysteroscopy will be required, a procedure performed under general anesthesia, through the insertion of a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity. Using this medical technology, defects in the structure of the uterus are corrected; Removal of findings such as myomas and polyps, separation of adhesions in the uterus and more.  

At the disposal of the gynecologists who perform hysteroscopy examinations at Athealth Medical Center, there is an advanced GYNECARE VERSAPOINT system from the Johnson & Johnson company, which provides a clear and accurate image with very high resolution cameras. The diagnostic and surgical operation is more accurate, since access to the treatment area is easier and the image is of better quality.

Cervical biopsy
A test performed when cervical cancer is suspected after a pap smear (PAP test). As part of the test, a sample of cells is taken from the cervical tissue and sent for pathological examination in the laboratory. The test is performed without anesthesia, using a colposcope, a device that allows you to look at the cervical tissue under magnification.

Confusion of the cervix 
in cases of suspected cancerous changes in the cervical tissue within the cervical surface and after performing a colposcopy examination that confirms the suspicion, an additional diagnostic-therapeutic examination is performed. The test called conzizia is designed to confirm or rule out the suspicious findings and when it is found that it is indeed cancerous tissue, a short surgical procedure will be performed in which the suspicious segment of the cervical tissue is cut.

Removing the intrauterine device
The procedure is short, performed under light general anesthesia in order to avoid discomfort and pain involved in case of difficulty in removing the device. The treatment is performed through the vagina and cervix and does not involve opening the abdomen.

A surgery designed for women who suffer from hypersensitivity and pain at the entrance of the vagina (vestibulitis) during intercourse. As part of the surgical procedure, the tissue is removed from the vaginal opening under general anesthesia.

surgery performed with the aim of nursing the perineal buffer area (the perineum), located between the vagina and the anus. The surgery is intended for a woman who, after a difficult and prolonged birth or the birth of a large fetus, the tissue of the perineum has been significantly stretched, cut or torn. Tearing or loosening of the perineum area may cause the vagina to expand, resulting in damage to the esthetic appearance of the vagina and damage to pleasure during intercourse. Surgery to fuse the perineum is performed under general anesthesia.

Bartholin's gland cyst drainage
Bartholin's glands are two small glands located at the opening of the vagina, one on each side of the lips. A cyst is formed on the Bartholin's gland when the lubricating fluid secreted by the gland during sexual intercourse is stored in the ducts of the gland due to a blockage. In such a case, it is necessary to perform a short surgical procedure under local anesthesia, during which the cyst is drained and the blockage is opened.

Cervical cerclage
is an operation in which the cervix is ​​sutured at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy in order to prevent a condition of cervical insufficiency. Cervical insufficiency manifests itself in the shortening of the cervix in the early stage of pregnancy and may cause a late miscarriage, towards the 14th week or a premature birth, before the 37th week. The suture is removed without anesthesia towards the 38th week of pregnancy, at which point the fetus is mature enough for birth The operation is performed under regional anesthesia.

Posterior colporphya
surgery to repair the posterior vaginal wall in the case of excess vaginal mucosa or in the case of the rectal prolapse into the vagina in the posterior part and the formation of a bulge towards the vagina. In both of these cases, the change causes difficulty in urinating and emptying the stool, and in some women also causes pain during intercourse. The surgery that corrects the deformity in the structure of the vaginal wall is performed under regional anesthesia.

Anterior colporphya
surgery to strengthen the front part of the vagina and treat the prolapse of the bladder into the vagina. As part of the operation, the bladder is lifted into place or the urethral tube into place and the excess vaginal lining is cut away. The operation is performed in cases where the 'prolapse' is significant and the woman's condition cannot be improved through exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Anterior colporphy is performed under regional anesthesia.

Treatment of condyloma (papilloma)
Condyloma or papilloma, is a wart with the shape and structure of a tiny cauliflower, which develops on the skin in the vulva or anus after exposure to the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is transmitted by contact during sexual intercourse or by contact with contaminated objects. It is very important to treat condyloma warts (papillomas) due to their tendency to spread and become infected during intercourse. The treatment is performed by burning with a laser device or surgical removal of the skin lesion, under local anesthesia.

Anti-D vaccine
is intended for pregnant women with Rh blood type. The vaccine is given in cases where there is an incompatibility with the blood type of the fetus (belongs to the Rh + group). The vaccine is given towards the 28th week of pregnancy, in order to prevent in advance the formation of Rh antibodies of the mother against the antibodies of the fetus and thus prevent severe anemia of the fetus.

Suturing the hymen
is a short surgical procedure aimed at restoring the hymen, which is a thin membrane located at the opening of the vagina. The operation is intended for young women who wish to restore the hymen for cultural or religious reasons, in preparation for the wedding. During the operation, the sides of the membrane are sutured, which will remain that way until the membrane is removed during sexual intercourse. Suturing the hymen is performed under a blur.

is a plastic surgery to shape the lips of the penis. The most common reasons why women choose to undergo the operation are usually a lack of symmetry between the two labia or labia that are too large, which cause discomfort and sometimes even pain during intercourse. The surgery to repair the lips is performed under general anesthesia.

Termination of pregnancy by a variety of methods, depending on the age of the pregnancy
Termination of pregnancy up to week 7 through drug treatment (Mifegyne pill)
Early Termination of Pregnancy (TOP), from week 7 to week 12.
The scraping procedure at Athealth Medical Center is performed using a sophisticated camera of Gynecare, which provides a clearer picture that allows the process to be performed with the highest levels of precision and safety.
Late termination of pregnancy in cases of discovery of a malformation or genetic defect in the fetus after an extended review of systems, is performed between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. At Athealth Medical Center, there is a committee for termination of pregnancy - certified by the Ministry of Health. The committee is headed by a gynecologist and accompanied by a social worker, available six days a week. The abortion process is carried out with complete discretion and since Athealth Medical Center is a private medical center, there will be no documentation in your medical file at the health fund.

You can submit a request to the committee for termination of pregnancy (abortion) if you meet the criteria established by the Ministry of Health:

  • You are younger than 19 or older than 40
  • The pregnancy is the result of relations prohibited by the criminal law (rape or incest) or it is a pregnancy outside of marriage
  • The child may have a medical or mental disability
  • Pregnancy may endanger your health

Performing the gynecological procedure at the 'Medical Center for Health Medical Center' guarantees you:  

  • Commitment to your health and performing the surgical procedure at the highest medical level and in the most convenient conditions for you.
  •  Skilled operating room staff - the medical staff that will stand by your surgeon includes: 
  • A seasoned and professional anesthetist and a team of operating room nurses with extensive experience in gynecological procedures and equally important with sensitivity and empathy to assist you before and after the examination or surgery.
  • For the use of anesthetists, we provide automatic monitoring systems and advanced equipment, in order to guarantee you safe anesthesia. 
  • For an emergency, the medical center is always staffed with a team of intensive care nurses.
  • Operating rooms under the supervision and approval of the Ministry of Health.
  • Advanced medical technologies approved by the US FDA; The European CE and the Ministry of Health in Israel.
  • A recovery room adapted for a stay of up to 23 hours, under the strict supervision of a team of nurses.
  • Our VIP rooms include everything you need to recover: medical supervision; privacy; Quality meals ordered from a catering company and pleasant and comfortable design.
  • Convenient payment terms - spread of 12 payments, without interest and linkage. 
  • Maximum comfort for attendants as well - the waiting room is designed with comfortable armchairs; update screen on the start and end of the analysis; TV, cold and hot drinks; position for ordering a taxi; Proximity to cafes, restaurants and farm chains.