Ear nose and throat
types of treatments

Hernia surgeries using innovative methods and surgeries in the field of proctology are performed at Athealth Medical Center by the top surgeons in Israel. Alongside your surgeon, professional anesthesiologists and a team of veteran nurses in the field of surgical operations will ensure your safety.
The operating rooms at Athealth Medical Center are equipped
with the most advanced equipment for performing operations in
the field of medium surgery, which do not require the
insertion of medical equipment into the abdominal cavity and
do not require a hospitalization of more than 23 hours.
The anesthesia procedure at Athealth Medical Center is performed
by highly experienced senior anesthesiologists, using the most
advanced monitoring devices to ensure your health.
Among the operations in the field of general surgery performed at Athealth Medical Center:
Hernia surgeries for babies, children and adults
A hernia is a condition in which intra-abdominal fatty tissue
or tissue of an internal organ, usually a loop of the
intestine, penetrates through another tissue. Sometimes the
penetration of the tissue causes a bulge under the abdominal
wall. A hernia can be congenital or "acquired". In babies, a
congenital inguinal hernia is more common, caused by the canal
connecting the abdominal cavity and the groin not being closed
before birth, while adults suffer from a hernia as a result of
weakness of the abdominal wall. An umbilical or inguinal
hernia in adults is a very common condition after pregnancy,
in people suffering from obesity and among athletes, when the
heavy weight and pressure cause weakness of the abdominal
wall. The pains appear mainly after lifting a heavy object,
standing for a long time or constipation. In some people who
suffer from a hernia, there may be a complication of
"entrapment" of tissue or a loop of the intestine in the
hernia, resulting in the development of necrosis that will
require resection of part of the tissue or intestine.
Therefore, when the hernia is large, surgery is required to
repair the hernia, in order to prevent aggravation.
As part of a hernia repair operation, the tissue that
penetrated the abdominal wall or the inguinal canal is
returned to its place and the recurrence of the hernia is
prevented by strengthening the wall with a synthetic
Some of the surgeons who operate at 'Athealth Medical Center'
perform hernia surgery without the use of a surgical mesh and
in such a case, in order to strengthen the abdominal wall,
they suture the envelope of the abdominal muscles.
At Athealth Medical Center, hernia surgeries are performed for
the two more common types of hernia:
umbilical hernia - when the tissue of an internal organ, in
most cases a loop of the small intestine, penetrates the
abdominal wall and inguinal hernia (on the right or left side)
- a condition where the tissue of an internal organ A belly or
loop of intestine enters the inguinal canal (inguinal
The hernia repair surgeries are performed with two advanced methods:
the open method, through an incision in the groin area and without inserting medical equipment into the abdominal cavity. Therefore, it is possible to perform the operation under local anesthesia only in combination with sedation, so that the operated person does not feel the course of the operation. With this anesthesia method, the patient wakes up in a short time and can stand on his feet about ---- hours later while the tissues in the surgical area remain anesthetized for 72 hours. In this way, the patient is spared pain in the first days of the operation and general anesthesia, which involves the most side effects and a higher level of risk. Performing hernia surgeries with this method without the need for general anesthesia is especially suitable for patients who for health reasons cannot undergo general anesthesia.
The second method applied at Athealth Medical Center is to repair a hernia by suturing the envelope of the abdominal muscles and without the use of mesh.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with the variety of existing methods, depending on the degree of severity
Hemorrhoids - are tissue cushions containing small blood vessels and are found in everyone in the anal canal, above the anus area (rectum). Hemorrhoids tend to expand as a result of congestion of blood due to load and pressure on the blood vessels, for example in the advanced months of pregnancy, in people suffering from obesity and chronic constipation.
Over time, enlarged hemorrhoids may bleed and/or fall toward the opening of the rectum and cause a lump to appear in the anus (external hemorrhoids) that may bleed with any effort. When treatment with ointments to reduce congestion do not help the problem of hemorrhoids, it is possible to treat hemorrhoids through minimally invasive treatment or surgery, depending on the degree of severity of the hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoid ligation - a treatment suitable for patients suffering from prolonged bleeding from internal hemorrhoids. During the treatment, the arteries that supply blood to the enlarged blood vessels - to the hemorrhoids are ligated, with the aim of reducing the blood flow to them. After a few days the blood vessels that bind degenerate and are excreted through the feces. The treatment can be performed under regional or general anesthesia.
Lifting and fixation of hemorrhoids - suitable treatment for cases of bleeding and prolapsed hemorrhoids and includes reducing the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, lifting the hemorrhoids up and fixing them using a device called a "dog", which performs an action similar to that of a stapler. The treatment can be performed under regional or general anesthesia.
Burning of hemorrhoids - as part of this treatment, the enlarged hemorrhoids are tied and then burned with a laser until they are removed. Treatment of burning hemorrhoids is performed under local anesthesia.
Hemorrhoidectomy surgery - for severe cases or when other treatments do not help, a surgical operation is performed to remove the hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoidectomy). Is the surgery performed with a special technology that you would like me to elaborate on?
Surgery to remove hemorrhoids can be performed under regional or general anesthesia.
Treatment of anal fissure
A fissure is a cut or crack in the anal canal, in most cases in the middle back part of the anus and it can be caused both in babies and in adults after hard bowel movements.
A fissure causes severe pain, especially during bowel movements, and in order to avoid the pain, many fissure sufferers develop chronic constipation, which worsens the problem.
Usually treatment with ointments, baths and changing diet to soften the stool help to reduce the pain and heal the fissure.
When the fissure does not heal despite all conservative treatments, Botox injections into the internal sphincter muscle are considered in order to temporarily relax the muscle and facilitate bowel movements until the incision is healed or
fissurectomy, in which the tissue where the fissure is located is cut.
Surgery to remove a fissure is performed under local anesthesia in adults and children are operated under general anesthesia.
Surgery to treat a fistula
A perianal fistula is an abnormal connection between the anal canal and the skin around the anus. In most cases, a fistula is caused by a blockage of a gland that causes the accumulation of secretion and infection around the anus and, as a result, secretion, itching and bleeding.
The treatment of the fistula can be carried out by several methods, depending on the degree of severity of the fistula:
drainage of the fistula; Injection of biological glue to block the fistula or through Fistulotomy surgery, during which a wire is inserted through the fistula, in order to drain it.
The choice of your surgeon to perform the operation at 'Athealth Medical Center' guarantees you:
- Commitment to your health and performing the surgical procedure at the highest medical level and under the most convenient conditions for you.
- Skilled operating room staff - the medical staff that will stand by your surgeon includes: seasoned and professional anesthetists and a team of highly experienced operating room nurses.
- For the use of anesthetists, we provide automatic monitoring systems and advanced equipment, in order to guarantee you safe anesthesia.
- For an emergency, the medical center is always staffed with a team of intensive care nurses.
- Operating rooms under the supervision and approval of the Ministry of Health.
- Advanced medical technologies approved by the US FDA; The European CE and the Ministry of Health in Israel.
- A recovery room adapted for a stay of up to 23 hours, under the strict supervision of a team of nurses.
- Hotel - you can recover in the first hours and days after surgery in a private room, which will provide you and your companions with maximum comfort.
- Our VIP rooms include everything you need to recover: medical supervision; privacy; Quality meals ordered from a catering company and pleasant and comfortable design.
- Convenient payment terms - spread of 12 payments, without interest and linkage.
- Maximum comfort for attendants as well - the waiting room is designed with comfortable armchairs; update screen on the start and end of the analysis; TV, cold and hot drinks; position for ordering a taxi; Proximity to cafes, restaurants and farm chains.