Ear nose and throat
types of treatments

Medical or aesthetic ear, nose and throat surgery at Athealth Medical Center, operating room staff and senior anesthesiologists,
surgery at the most professional and safest level, for children and adults

The senior surgeons, in the field of nose, ear and throat, choose to operate at 'Ateedim Medical Center' thanks to two main reasons: the high level of safety - a senior and experienced anesthetist team: operating rooms equipped with the most advanced medical equipment and monitoring devices, for maximum patient safety. 

Surgeries in the field of nose, ear and throat are performed at Athealth Medical Center for babies, children and adults.
Our operating rooms are prepared to perform all kinds of medical and aesthetic surgeries, including: 

Repair of the nasal septum 
The nasal septum is made of cartilage and bone and is what separates the nasal cavity from the two nostrils. Surgery to repair the nasal septum (Septoplasty), is required when there is an obstruction in the airway, when breathing through the nose. As a result, breathing disorders can occur, including sleep breathing disorders and snoring. 
Deviation of the nasal septum (Deviated Septum), can be congenital; as a result of a strong blow or an accident.  
As part of an operation to correct a deviation, a cut is made of the septum and its position symmetrically, to allow a proper passage of air, through both nostrils and through them out.

Repairing a hole in the nasal septum - a hole in the nasal septum can be caused by a strong blow and repeated inflammations and also cause breathing disorders. During surgery to repair a hole in the septum, cartilage is taken from another place in the nose and the hole is covered with it. 
Surgeries to correct a deviation or a hole in the septum of the nose are performed under local or general anesthesia.

Excision of the nasal conchas
The conchas are 3 protrusions in each nostril, located in the nasal tissue and their function is to filter the air we breathe and maintain a level of humidity and temperature. When the shells are too crowded, due to an allergy or repeated inflammations, they cause breathing disorders. Surgery for the narrowing of the shells or for partial or complete excision of the shells (Turbinoplasty) greatly helps the patient's breathing problems. In most patients, only the concha located at the bottom of each nostril is cut, and when only the narrowing of the concha is required, it is performed by cauterizing the mucosa that covers the concha. Surgery to narrow or partially or completely remove the shells is performed under local or general anesthesia.
In some patients, a combined surgery is required to repair the nasal septum and remove the concha. Burning of the nasal mucosa
The thickening of the nasal mucosa, including the mucosa that covers the concha, can be caused by chronic allergic rhinitis, chronic inflammation, exposure to air rich in toxins and prolonged use of nasal spray drops.

The thickening of the nasal mucous membranes causes a disturbance in the passage of air due to a partial blockage of the nasal cavity. When the obstruction of the airway becomes constant, the breathing disorder greatly impairs the quality of life of the child or adult and causes a decrease in the quality of sleep and, as a result, also a decrease in function. The recommended treatment includes shrinking of the nasal mucosa performed by burning the mucosa, with the help of radio wave technology. The treatment helps the passage of air and reduces snoring for those who suffer from it and breathing disorders during sleep.
Burning of the nasal mucosa is performed in a very short treatment, under local anesthesia.
One of the most common childhood surgeries is tonsillectomy. The tonsils, located on both sides of the throat, are part of the immune system and help the body fight bacteria and viruses that enter through the nose and mouth. As a result of repeated infection that causes tonsillitis, the tonsils swell and therefore in children they are larger. Enlarged tonsils can cause breathing disorders, including sleep breathing disorders such as snoring and sometimes also breathing interruptions (sleep apnea). Breathing pauses in sleep may cause growth retardation and the child may suffer from concentration disorders and subsequently difficulties in studies. Enlarged tonsils can also cause recurrent infections. In cases where, even after repeated antibiotic treatment following repeated infections, the tonsils are excessively enlarged and cause breathing disorders, tonsillectomy surgery is performed. The operation is performed in most cases in childhood, therefore the anesthesia is complete.

Surgery to remove adenoids (polyps) - the "third tonsil"
Adenoids or polyps, better known as the "third tonsil", are located behind the nose, in the upper part of the pharynx. Like the tonsils, the endoids are also part of the immune system and as a result of repeated throat infections,
they are larger in children compared to adults. There are cases where enlarged endoids block the nasal airway and cause difficulty breathing and breathing problems during sleep and/or chronic runny nose. If enlarged adenoids also block the canal that ventilates the middle ear, fluid will accumulate in the ears and the child may suffer from recurrent ear infections and hearing impairment. When the child suffers from these symptoms, and an enlarged adenoid is found blocking the airway, surgery to remove the adenoid (Adenoidectomy) will be recommended. In most cases, the surgery is performed only after one year of age and usually between the ages of 3 and 4. Surgery to remove the "third tonsil" is performed under full anesthesia.

Surgery for "buttons" in the ears
Repeated ear infections and accumulation of fluid in the ears are common phenomena in children and are caused by the blockage of the canal that ventilates the middle ear by an enlarged endoid.
As a result, the child may also suffer from hearing impairment and, as a result, problems with speech development.
When there is a significant decrease in hearing, an otolaryngologist may recommend surgery to insert "buttons" into the ears. The "buttons" are tiny tubes designed to prevent the accumulation of fluids in the middle ear and to balance the air pressure differences between the middle ear and the outside air. During the operation, a small hole is made in the eardrum, into which the "button" is inserted, in order to create an opening from the middle ear to the outside, through which the fluids accumulated in the middle ear will dry out. After the operation the child will be able to hear better and there will be a reduction in the frequency of ear infections. The operation is reversible and when necessary the buttons can be removed and the piercing nursed.
Surgery to insert "buttons into the ears" is performed under full anesthesia.

Surgery to treat 'tied tongue'/'short tongue' (frenectomy)
'tied tongue' is a congenital defect, manifested in the fact that the membrane connecting the tongue to the lower part of the mouth (frenolum) is very short. Functional damage will develop according to the disturbance to the movement ability of the tongue - in infancy the baby can experience difficulty in sucking and later in life can experience difficulty in eating and speaking. In cases of functional damage, the frenulum membrane is cut from the tongue, in order to allow the tongue full mobility. The extent of cutting the phenomen varies from patient to patient, and accordingly the type of anesthesia will also be determined. When a small cut is required, the operation will be performed under local anesthesia only and when the cut is deeper, it will be performed under local or general anesthesia. Frenectomy surgery is considered very short and the recovery process is very fast.
Salivary gland resection

Surgery for partial or complete excision of one of the salivary glands, is performed mainly in cases of salivary gland growth. There are three pairs of large salivary glands and small salivary glands scattered in the different parts of the mouth.
Cancer in the salivary gland or the formation of stones in the salivary gland, develop in most cases in one of the two largest salivary glands - the parotid. The accepted treatment for a tumor in the parotid gland is surgery for partial or complete resection of the parotid gland depending on the size and location of the tumor. Also, if there is a fear of metastases in the lymph nodes in the neck, they are also cut off.
The surgery to remove the parotid gland is very complex because the facial nerve passes through this salivary gland and the goal is to remove the gland without damaging the facial nerve. Rarely, resection of the parotid gland is also performed for a person suffering from salivary gland stones, when they cannot be crushed and pumped.
Parotid gland resection surgery is performed under general anesthesia

Plastic surgeries in the nose
נ Plastic surgery in the nose is considered complex because the plastic surgeon who performs the surgery is tasked with taking care of the aesthetic aspect, at the same time as maintaining a proper airway that will allow optimal breathing through the nose. Aesthetically, the nose correction must be adapted to the patient's facial features and not appear artificial or disproportionate to the size and structure of the face. In many plastic surgeries in the nose, in addition to the aesthetic correction, a correction is also made to the internal structure of the nose in order to improve breathing.

nose reconstruction
complex surgery to reconstruct a nose damaged by an accident; removal of a benign or cancerous tumor; Failed plastic surgery or birth defect. The purpose of the surgery is to restore internal or external structures of the nose such as: cartilages; internal partition; Shells or the inner lining of the nose, to allow the proper passage of air in breathing through the nose. At the same time as the structural repair that enables normal breathing through the nose, an aesthetic repair is also performed.

Ear plastic surgery (otoplasty)

Plastic surgeries in the ears correct congenital defects that affect both the appearance of the ears and their function, as well as aesthetic defects that are manifested in the lack of proportions between the size and position of the ears and the size of the face.
The most common plastic surgeries to shape the ears are:

  • Reduction of large and prominent ears
  • During the surgery, an incision is made on the back side of the ear and excess cartilage is removed from the auricle and shaped so that it is smaller and less prominent. For many of the patients who undergo ear reduction, the surgery also includes attaching the ears to the head
  • Attaching protruding ears

Ear pinning surgery is intended for those who, in the process of ear development, have not formed the inner fold of the ear and the ears are significantly far from the head. Also in this operation the incision is behind the ear and as part of the operation a fold is created and the ears are fixed close to the head. In many cases, a combined surgery is performed to shape the ear, which includes attaching and reducing the ears.

Both operations do not affect the quality of hearing and are usually performed after the age of 10, the age when the ears stop growing.
You can undergo surgery to reduce ears or attach ears under local or full anesthesia.


The choice of your surgeon to perform the operation at 'Athealth Medical Center' guarantees you:

  • Commitment to your health and performing the surgical procedure at the highest medical level and under the most convenient conditions for you.
  • Skilled operating room staff - the medical staff that will stand by your surgeon includes: seasoned and professional anesthetists and a team of operating room nurses with extensive experience in ear, nose and throat surgeries and aesthetic surgeries
  • For the use of anesthetists, we provide automatic monitoring systems and advanced equipment, in order to guarantee you safe anesthesia. 
  • For an emergency, the medical center is always staffed with a team of intensive care nurses.
  • Operating rooms under the supervision and approval of the Ministry of Health. 
  • Advanced medical technologies approved by the US FDA; The European CE and the Ministry of Health in Israel.
  • A recovery room adapted for a stay of up to 23 hours, under the strict supervision of a team of nurses.
  • Our VIP rooms include everything you need to recover: medical supervision; privacy; Quality meals ordered from a catering company and pleasant and comfortable design.
  • Convenient payment terms - a spread of 3 payments, without interest and linkage. 
  • Maximum comfort for attendants as well - the waiting room is designed with comfortable armchairs; update screen on the start and end of the analysis; TV, cold and hot drinks; position for ordering a taxi; Proximity to cafes, restaurants and farm chains.